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Dividend tax, capital gains tax to go — Capital markets get a lift
New Delhi: In a move that is designed to boost the capital markets, the finance minister, Jaswant Singh,on Friday announced the withdrawal of dividend tax at the hands of shareholders and abolishment of long-term capital gains tax.
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Dividend, tax gains for MF investors
Mumbai: While returns earned on the growth option will be subject to a 10 per cent (long-term capital gains) tax, the returns earned by way of dividends will be subject to a higher 12.5 per cent tax.
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Funds welcome pension reforms
Mumbai: The Union Budget is a major booster for asset management companies that are willing to venture into pension funds.
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Volatile stocks, unaffected Sensex
Mumbai: Stock prices witnessed see-saw movements on Friday even as stockbrokers and analysts said that the Jaswant Singh Budget is growth-oriented and market friendly.
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Reaction of the stocks to the talk
Mumbai: A look at the narrow movement of the Bombay Stock Exchange's Sensex (a market breadth of just 46.94 points between the Sensex's high of 3316.74 and the low of 3269.80), suggests that the market was indifferent to the Budget.a close look at the individual stock price movements shows the reaction was immediate to the Budget announcements.
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Huge block deals on HDFC Bank
Mumbai: HDFC Bank on Friday witnessed huge volumes on the BSE. The traded quantity in the counter shot up to 1,02,10,783 shares from Thursday's volumes of just 14,437 shares on the BSE. The price did not move up sharply; the stock closed at Rs 249.85 (Rs 248.45), after touching a high of Rs 252.5.
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Gilts untouched by higher borrowing plan
Mumbai: The gilts market does not seem to have been deterred by the 3.8 per cent increase in the Centre's budgeted gross market borrowings, which are estimated to touch Rs 1,65,887 crore in 2003-04.
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Repo rate cut revs up bond market
Mumbai: In euphoric trading, bond prices shot up by over Rs 6 across some maturities, following an unexpected 50 basis point cut to 5 per cent in the repo rate by the RBI.
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