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There's still scope for rate cuts: IMF MD
IMF managing director Horst Koehler said on Sunday the world's major economies still had scope for further monetary easing if necessary and that he did not expect a global recession despite ongoing uncertainty.
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Berkshire reports record profit of $4.3bn in '02
Berkshire Hathaway, the holding company run by billionaire investor Warren Buffett, reported its highest-ever annual profit on Saturday, helped by rising insurance rates and healthier returns from its expanding stable of Old Economy companies.
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Kuwait, Iraq oil ministers to skip Opec meet
Kuwait and Iraq will be represented at Tuesday's Opec meeting by their local ambassadors to Austria, officials from the two countries said on Sunday.
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War in Iraq to hurt global tourism bad
War in Iraq could have a devastating impact on the $460 billion global tourism industry still struggling to recover from a slump after the September 11, 2001 attacks, tourism experts from around the world said.
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China becomes world's second biggest diamond polisher
China has emerged as the world's biggest diamond polisher after India, with the industry poised to make a sparkling growth thanks to the country's economic boom, an industry official has said.
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