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CAG report underlines PSUs’ uncompetitiveness
New Delhi:
The comptroller & auditor General’s reports on Central public sector undertakings for 2001-02 has underlined the basic weakness of the public sector — its inability to face competition.
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Panel on GM crops meets today; NGOs allege govt-ind nexus
New Delhi:
Even as the domestic industry, farmers’ associations and activist organisations continue to be at loggerheads with one another over going ahead with cultivating the genetically modified (GM) crops, it is being feared that reasons other than scientific validity may influence the decisions to be taken by the genetic engineering approval committee (GEAC) meeting on Friday. The committee is slated to consider on Friday the approval of cultivation of Bt cotton in the Northern states and to discuss performance of GM-mustard.
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Rs 1.4 corer Canadian grant for NCAER
New Delhi:
The Canadian International Development Agency announced a grant of Canadian $500,000 to the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) at a function here on Wednesday.
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