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Exports Cross $50-billion Mark
New Delhi: The country’s merchandise exports have for the first time crossed the $50-billion mark during 2002-03 and surpassed the target by a wide margin, notwithstanding the rather difficult global trading conditions. Exports valued at $51.7 billion posted an impressive 18.05 per cent growth against the target of 12 per cent. At this level, exports had more than doubled in a period of 10 years.
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Cabinet to take up Cos Bill today
New Delhi : The Companies (Amendment) Bill 2003, which seeks to define auditor-company relationship and prescribe stiffer penalties for non-compliance, is to be taken up by the Cabinet on Tuesday. According to informed sources, "the Bill will have the recommendations of the Naresh Chandra Committee on Corporate Audit and Governance as well as the Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC), and the reminiscent of the 1997 Companies Bill. Not only will it highlight the aspects of good corporate governance, the bill will also prescribe for stiffer penalty provisions. "
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