
ICC withholds entire Cup payment due to India
London: The International Cricket Council has decided to withhold the entire payment due to India from this year's World Cup as it could not assess the likely maximum claims from the Global Cricket Corporation for violation of the ambush clause.

Though the exact figure withheld has not been specified, it is estimated to be about $9 million
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Call centres exempt from service tax
New Delhi: The Finance Ministry has said that the eight per cent tax on new services announced in the 2003-04 Union Budget would be effective July 1, even as it clarified that medical transcription and call centres and computer, vocational and recreational training institutions would be exempt from the levy.

The Finance Act, 2003, had provided for the levy of the tax on the new services ``from a date to be appointed by the Central Government''
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IOC's Irugur terminal bags green award
Coimbatore: The Irugur terminal of Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) has been presented with the `Golden Peacock Environment Management Award 2003 (Service-SME)' instituted by the New Delhi-based World Environment Foundation.

The terminal, located about 17 km from here, has already received IS/ISO 14001:1996 certification for Environment Management System. It has an 80-acre landscape with all round greenery.
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PM Gives Free Hand To Prasad
New Delhi: Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee has given a free hand to the information and broadcasting ministry to implement the conditional access system (CAS) in a consumer-friendly manner. In a brief meeting with I&B minister Ravi Shankar Prasad here on Friday, Mr Vajpayee's directive was clear: The monthly cable bill of consumers must not exceed the current rate.
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Trai plans uniform termination fee for telcos
Kolkata: The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai) is considering a uniform termination charge for all categories of telecom service providers - fixedline, cellular and WLL-mobile - in its final order on interconnect usage charge (IUC), which will be effective August 1.
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