
IndusInd Bank eyeing NBFCs for acquisition
Mumbai: The Hindujas-promoted IndusInd Bank is looking at non-banking finance companies for acquisition.

"We are interested in acquiring NBFC business. We are looking at some of the potential candidates for acquisition. It is too early to talk about them'' said Mr Bhaskar Ghose, Managing Director, IndusInd Bank.
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Short-term securities evoke little interest
Mumbai: Bond markets surged during the week propelled by retreating inflation and buoyant foreign exchange inflows into the country.

But traders also said that the bond market stimulus was also provided by the poor credit demand in the market, as most banks saddled with deposits have been shifting to short-term and medium-term debt to part their funds.
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Rising rupee blunts exporters' edge
New Delhi: Although the extent of appreciation of the Indian rupee vis-à-vis the US dollar is not high compared with other currencies, the fact that some of India's competitors' currencies such as that of China, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan and the Philippines have either not appreciated or appreciated slightly less than India or simply depreciated has impacted adversely on Indian exporters, blunting their competitive edge.
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domain-B : Indian business : News Review : 23 June 2003 : banking and finance