
NRIs barred from investing in small savings schemes
New Delhi: Barely a fortnight after capping interest rates on non-resident external (rupee) (NRER) deposits to a maximum of 250 basis points above LIBOR, the Government has closed yet another avenue for arbitrage opportunities arising from the wide difference in interest rates offered here and those prevailing overseas.
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Varishtha Pension plan — Jaswant wants better response from rural areas
New Delhi: The Varishtha Pension Bima Yojana (insurance scheme for senior citizens) recently launched by the Government has a head-start with one-third of one-lakh subscribers already being roped in, the Lok Sabha was informed today.
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RBI uneasy over unhedged dollar exposures
Mumbai: Bankers are worried over corporates refusing to hedge their dollar exposures, as under the present regime, the total exposure of any single corporate is hard to quantify, with each enterprise having many banks on their books.
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PFC net at Rs 870 crore
New Delhi: Power Finance Corporation (PFC) has recorded a net profit of Rs 870 crore on an income of Rs 1,408 crore for the first quarter of the current fiscal ended June 30, 2003.
During the corresponding period last year, the company has registered a net profit of Rs 391 crore on an income of Rs 746 crore.
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Nabard loan for projects
Hyderabad: The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (Nabard) has sanctioned an amount of Rs 325.41 crore as loan assistance to the Andhra Pradesh Government for implementation of AP Micro Irrigation Project, 14 minor irrigation schemes and two comprehensive protected water supply schemes.
The loan has been sanctioned
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SBM cuts floating home loan rates
Bangalore: State Bank of Mysore has reduced the interest rates on floating rate home loans to 8 per cent for maturities up to five years.

A bank release said for maturities up to 10 years, the rates would be 8.75 per cent on a floating rate basis and for above 10 years, 9.25 per cent. The fixed rate housing loans remained unchanged. Farm lending rate up to Rs 50,000 was lowered to 9 per cent.
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