
Open sky policy gathers mixed response
New Delhi: The aviation and travel industries are divided about the Indian government's limited open sky policy, which was announced late last week. Civil aviation ministry sources were quoted as saying that about 10 to 12 foreign carriers including Virgin Atlantic Airways, Singapore, Malaysian Airlines and Cathay Pacific, had shown interest in a liberalised policy in the wake of peak demand in the winter months. "The Gulf and Southeast Asian carriers are keenly awaiting the exact contours of the open sky policy, but some of the European airlines said that as it was announced at the 11th hour, it is difficult to plan for additional capacity."

Reports says last year the government had not included Gulf and Southeast Asian carriers as part of the liberalised policy. This year, all foreign carriers can go in for hike in capacity from December to February, subject to commercial agreements with the national carriers. The limited open sky policy announced last year hardly had any takers, except for Virgin Atlantic and Lufthansa German Airlines.
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