
US, China sign historic agreement
Washington DC: The United States and China signed a far-reaching, five-year bilateral agreement governing sea-going trade between the two countries on Monday.
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Lockheed bags Pentagon contract
Washington DC: Aerospace giant Lockheed Martin has been awarded a contract potentially worth $4.6 billion to develop targets and countermeasures for the Pentagon's missile defence programme.
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US House of Representatives approves budget
Washington DC: The House of Representatives approved the final, $820 billion piece of the 2004 US budget, which includes $2.4 billion to fight AIDS in developing countries.
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G-20 Trade Ministers to discuss next arm strategy in Brazil
New Delhi: For the first time after the failure of the fifth World Trade Organisation (WTO) ministerial meeting in Cancun, Mexico, trade ministers from the G-20 coalition of developing countries in agriculture will meet in Brazil to discuss their future negotiating strategy later this week.
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Federal Reserve holds US rates unchanged
Washington DC: The US Federal Reserve has held the key federal funds target rate unchanged at a 45-year low of 1.00 per cent and signalled it would keep its stimulative policy for "a considerable period."
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MasterCard's plaint against Visa rejected
New York: A federal judge on Monday rejected MasterCard International's request for an injunction that would have barred rival Visa USA from putting a surcharge on Visa debit card-issuing banks if they switch to another brand.
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Time Warner, Sprint, MCI tie up for net telephony
New York: Time Warner Cable, the second-largest cable provider in the US , forged a deal with telecommunication companies Sprint Corp and MCI to deliver internet-based phone service.
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