
SSIs want new policy initiatives to turn around downtrend
New Delhi: Certain small-scale industry (SSI) bodies, like Indian Council for Small Industries, Federation of Associations of Small Industries in India, Laghu Udyog Bharti and Swadeshi Jagran Foundation-backed Centre for Bharatiya Marketing Development, have joined hands for a slew of policy initiatives from the central government to turnaround the SSI sector.

These organisations released a study on the problems faced by the industry and policy measures required to reverse the downtrend in the sector at a preview meeting organised on the eve of the SSI board meeting on Saturday. The SSI board comprises central minister for SSIs, ministers and secretaries of SSIs from all states and representatives of SSI industry bodies.
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WSF leaders insist that war is a corporate weapon
Mumbai: The World Social Forum 2004 started in Mumbai with the decided recognition that war has arrived as a weapon to further economic interests of powerful nations and large corporations. Speakers at the opening plenary of the WSF agreed that the American campaign in Iraq is a political strategy to establish corporate hegemony. "The interests of big business are threatening the lives of ordinary people across the world."

Booker-winning writer and social activist Arundhati Roy said the new American century wants superiority [economic and military] at all costs. "Democratically elected leaders in the world will be able to rule freely only if corporates such as Enron, Bechtel, Halliburton and Arthur Andersen are allowed a free run."

Amir Rekaby, a Paris-based writer who is a member of the Jakarta Peace Consensus and the Iraqi National Democratic Opposition, said the war on Iraq was no accident. Jeremy Corbyn, British Labour Party MP, said the world is divided into two. "One with untold access to weapons of mass destruction and untold wealth and another with moral power."
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