
Drugs: Next outsourcing frontier for India
Hyderabad: the US pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry finds big scope for partnering with the Indian industry and outsourcing the R&D and clinical trial services of drugs, in the face of prohibitive costs being faced by drug companies around he world. With costs of development globally, verging prohibitively at over $800 million for each new drug, and with an emerging opportunity of over $53 billion in drugs going off-patent in the next five-six years, the Indian biotechnology industry could outsource in the areas of chemistry, biogenerics and clinical trials.

At the global bio business forum - BioAsia — being conducted at Hyderabad it emerged that the cost of clinical trials in the US was estimated at around $150 million per drug, which could be reduced by up to 60 per cent through cooperation with the Indian companies. However, the intellectual property (IP) protection and data efficacy protection were the key areas of concern for the global companies, that needed to be immediately addressed by India.
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Wipro opts for Embarcadero tool
Bangalore: Wipro Technologies and the US-based Embarcadero Technologies, have announced that Wipro's Interops Solution Group has chosen Embarcadero Extreme Test as a preferred application and performance testing solution for its application development projects.

The Embarcadero Extreme Test will feature at Wipro's Centre of Excellence in Bangalore, along with other Embarcadero data lifecycle management tools for the benefit of prospective customers.
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WTO chief to US: Outsourcing threat overblown
Washington: The director-general of the World Trade Organization, Supachai Panitchpakdi has said that American worries about the outsourcing of jobs were overblown. He said that in actuality the US will create an average of more than 2 million new services jobs a year over the next decade, nearly ten the time the number that it expected to lose through outsourcing. Supachai said that multilateral free-trade deals, such as the one being proposed in the WTO's Doha Round talks were the key to U.S. economic prosperity and global growth
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domain-B : Indian business : News Review : 27 February 2004 : international business