
Billionaires: London leads the world

London: According to the Sunday Times, London has emerged as the billionaire capital of the world, with 40 billionaires living in the city. According to the newspaper New York has 31 billionaires, Moscow 23 and Geneva 20. Los Angeles has 18, Hong Kong 16 and San Francisco 15, followed by Dallas 14, Tokyo and Paris 10 each.

According to the Sunday Times Rich List 2004, Russian businessman Roman Abramovich is the richest person in Britain with assets worth £6.5 billion.
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China defends hike in military budget
Beijing: The Chinese military have defended the 11.6 per cent hike in defence budget for 2004 saying it was proportionately lower than that of many nations, including the United States, UK, and Japan. The budgeted military spending accounts for only around 1.7 per cent of China's total Gross Domestic Product (GDP) volume. China's finance minister yesterday said the total budget outlay for the defence sector in 2004 will be 25.08 billion US dollars.
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Tickets for Cricket: Violence in Karachi
Karachi: The Pakistan Cricket Board was forced to suspend sale of tickets for next week's India-Pakistan one-day international match as thousands of frustrated fans vented their anger by clashing with the police. Too much crowd in and outside the stadium apparently forced a delay in the start of sales. With just three sales booths and eight windows to cater to the crowd, the situation apparently got out of hand, leading to a baton charge by the policemen. The PCB is receiving criticism for providing just one outlet for the sale of tickets, unlike earlier when banks too were used as sales outlets. India open their 39-day tour with the first of five one-day matches here on March 13.
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