
Two Indians held for Madrid blast
Madrid: The Spanish interior ministry has detained two Indians in connection with the serial blasts that had ripped through Madrid last week., and had left 200 dead. The two Indians, have been identified by as Vinay Kohli and Suresh Kumar.

Reports from Madrid suggest that they may have been picked up through clues found in one of the bomb packages that didn't go off. Reports also suggest that these two may be local black marketeers who may have unwittingly helped the perpetrators in their plans.
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Socialists win the Spanish elections
Madrid: With 96 per cent of the votes counted the opposition Spanish Socialist Workers Party has declared victory. The party has leaped from 125 seats in the outgoing 350-seat legislature to 164 in the incoming one. The governing Popular Party tally fell to 148 from 183.

Incoming socialist Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero has pledged to bring home the 1,300 troops Spain has stationed in Iraq when their tour of duty ends in July.
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China: Private property and entrepreneurs are now legal
Beijing: On the 10th and final day of the annual meeting of the National People's Congress China today amended its Constitution to protect private property rights. The meeting also approved the mention of human rights in the constitution.

Though China already has laws on private property, this will be the first time that constitutional guarantees will be provided to them.
Also, for the first time, the nations tribe of burgeoning entrepreneurs have been invited to join the communist party.
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Vladimir Putin sweeps Russian polls
Moscow: According to exit polls the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, has swept his country's presidential poll, winning over two-thirds of all votes. Mr. Putin is credited with 69 per cent of the votes, while his main challenger, the Communist candidate, Nikolai Kharitonov, is said to have received 12.6 per cent.
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