
Global Insight Report: Offshore outsourcing good for US
According to a study conducted by research firm Global Insight and sponsored by the leading IT trade group Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) off shoring or outsourcing will add 124 billion dollar to the US economy and create 317,367 new jobs. The ITAA represents more than 500 large US high-tech companies, such as IBM, Microsoft Corp., Hewlett-Packard Corp., and Accenture.The study found that offshore outsourcing generated about 90,000 net new US jobs in 2003, a number that is forecast to rise to 317,000 by 2008.In the software and services area, the economy will create 516,000 jobs over the next five years in an environment with global sourcing but only 490,000 without it, the study has found.
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Motorola to buy Quantum Bridge Communications
Horsham: Motorola Inc. said it had agreed to acquire Quantum Bridge Communications Inc., a privately held maker of fibre optic equipment for wiring homes and offices, for an undisclosed sum of cash.Motorola, the electronics giant, said the acquisition would improve its offerings to broadband network operators as the companies have agreed to combine some of their technology.
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