
Trade Integration Mechanism policy approved by IMF
Washington: The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved the trade integration mechanism (TIM), a policy aimed at making fund resources more predictably available to qualifying member countries under existing IMF facilities.

The TIM is designed to mitigate concerns among some developing countries that their balance of payments positions could suffer as multilateral liberalisation changes their competitive position in world markets.
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Labour forecast: Demand for labour in USA to jump
Aliso Viejo, Calif., USA: Demand for temporary workers in the United States for the second quarter of 2004 is expected to jump 10.05 per cent over the same period in 2003, according to the just released Remedy Temp quarterly labour forecast.According to the report, as "an increase in temporary hiring historically has been a precursor to increased demand for full-time hiring, this may no longer be a jobless economic recovery."

The Remedy Temp quarterly labour forecast, believed to be the only one of its kind, is in part based on Bureau of Labor statistics. The forecast is based on a model, which is tracked quarterly and serves as an indicator of economic activity.
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Intel Q1 profits jump 89 per cent
San Jose: Semiconductor giant Intel Corp.'s first-quarter profits jumped 89 per cent and revenues grew 20 per cent. For the three months ended March 27, Intel reported a profit of $1.73 billion, compared with a profit of $915 million, in the same period a year ago. Sales, meanwhile rose to $8.09 billion, compared with $6.75 billion in the first quarter of 2003.
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San Francisco, USA:, a leading Application Service Provider, has announced the immediate availability of its new Click Time Expense Tracking Module for the Click Time Web Timesheet version 2.5. This module permits rapid entry, approval, and analysis of employee expenses through a convenient web-based interface. For organizations with billable expenses, Click Time offers a single set of convenient reports for both time and expense management.

Click Time Expense, which is the latest module to be included in the Click Time Web Timesheet. Unlike other expense-reporting tools, users can access the system from anywhere with an Internet connection. With the Expense Tracking Module, employees can quickly and easily input expense items for reimbursement, billing to clients or departments, and reporting to management.
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Orange smart phone goes for Blue tooth technology
Cambridge, England: CSR Plc., a market leader in Blue tooth silicon has announced that Orange's third incarnation of the SPV, the E200, is the first SPV smart phone to include Blue tooth technology. With CSR's Blue Core silicon, the Orange SPV E200 enables a user to synchronise contacts with their PC or PDA or to wirelessly connect to a mobile headset or hands free kit.

In conjunction with many other features, the Blue tooth technology supplied by CSR supports the SPV E200 as a virtual office. Including Microsoft Outlook and Windows media player, the SPV E200 can wirelessly connect via Blue tooth to download and upload address books and calendar information from a PDA or PC. The SPV E200 includes an MP3 player, so a user can take advantage of the 723kbps data transfer rate to download music files through a Blue tooth link. A user can then connect the SPV E200 to a Blue tooth enabled headset to listen to music files.The company says that they are beginning to see a shift in mobile manufacturers and suppliers outlook towards Blue tooth technology.
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