
RBI tightens PD dividend norms
Mumbai: The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has laid down tough dividend declaration norms for PDs.
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Foreign currency inflows slow down
Bangalore: Foreign currency inflows into the country have substantially come down as most investors have taken a pause and remittances from non-resident Indian depositors have slowed down.
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Rupee firms up
Mumbai: The rupee closed 13 paise higher on Friday at 45.11/12 against the dollar up from Thursday's close of 45.24/25.
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Can Fin Homes to step up lending
Mumbai: CAN Fin Homes Ltd has set a target of 40 per cent increase in sanctions and disbursements for the financial year 2004-05.
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BoR gets Maharashtra licence for franking stamps
Mumbai: The Bank of Rajasthan Ltd has secured the licence for franking stamps through its various branches in the State. The licence has been received from the Inspector General of Registration & Controller of Stamps and Chief Controlling Revenue Authority, Government of Maharashtra.
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domain-B : Indian business : News Review : 05 June 2004 : banking and finance