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Merchant Cambers not forthcoming on a new Companies Act
Kolkata: A concept paper for drafting a new Companies Act would be ready by end July. The paper would look into shrinking the existing 658 provisions in the Act to less than 300. The Paper is being prepared internally by the Department of Company Affairs. According to Prem Chand Gupta, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Company Affairs, the Paper, once finalised, would be sent to all chambers of commerce, chartered accountants and other experts throughout the country to seek their opinion and also record useful suggestions. He said the Concept Paper would also be sent to various ministries like finance, law, commerce etc to elicit their viewpoints as well.

The Minister said the present Companies Act, enacted in 1956, and arguably the largest in the world, was unsuitable to today's environment despite the various amendments carried out so far. The Minister pointed out that none of the big chambers like FICCI or CII or Assocham or any of the professional institutes had sent in any suggestions with regard to the changes required to be made in the Companies Act.

He said some Rs 300 crore is spent annually by way of compliance by companies to the various Act provisions, and in the process, the Registrar of Companies had to deal with 30 million documents every year, and keep these in custody for 5 years. He also pointed out that this massive amount of documentation was inspite of the fact that some 4 lakh companies out of the 7-lakh companies registered were defunct.
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Biocon's Clinigene gets CAP certification
Biocon's clinical research arm, Clinigene International Pvt Ltd, has been re-accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP) following a recent inspection. . The re-certification applies to the new histopathology and microbiology facilities. The CAP certification is considered the Gold Standard in laboratory accreditation. Clinigene was the first Indian CRO to get it two years ago, Biocon said in a release here.
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