Kumbakonam tragedy: Police questioning teachers
Kumbakonam: The police have picked up eleven teachers for questioning in the Kumbakonam tragedy, where 90 children were killed in a fire at their school. The police have also added a new IPC section to the FIR filed in the case, according to which, caretakers of children below the age of 12, in this case the teachers, could face up to seven years in prison, if found guilty of negligence. The teachers, however, have denied the charges.
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Drug lord Iqbal Mirchi held in US - to be deported
Mumbai: Iqbal Mirchi, acknowledged as the country's number one drug lord, has been traced and detained in the US. The Mumbai police says he will be deported soon. Fifty-one-year old Mirchi, whose real name is Iqbal Memon, is based in UAE and is among the top 10 international drug traffickers named by the White House. Iqbal had an Interpol red corner notice issued against his name. He faces narcotics and murder charges in India and he fled the country after being declared a proclaimed offender in 1995.
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…and so too Salem
New Delhi: The Lisbon High Court has ordered that wanted criminal Abu Salem could also be extradited to India. Three days back, the court had allowed the extradition of Monica Bedi, Salem's girl friend. Salem and his girl friend Monica Bedi were arrested in Portugal on September 18, 2002, for travelling on forged documents and have been behind bars since then. Both Monica and Salem had filed petitions in the Portugal Supreme Court to stall their extradition proceedings. The Supreme Court had referred the matter to the High Court saying that the lower court would decide the matter on merit.
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First lady in 150 years to head Mumbai crime branch
New Delhi: With the appointment of Meera Borwankar, the crime branch of the Mumbai police gets a woman as its chief for the first time in its 150-year-old history. Meera Borwankar, has been in the police force for 23 years and has earlier worked with the CBI in the Economic Offences Wing in Mumbai and also in the Anti Corruption Bureau in New Delhi. She was awarded the President's police medal in 1997.
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