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MyDoom.O causing denial of service attacks
New York, USA:
Message Labs, the leading provider of managed email security services to businesses worldwide, is advising computer users that W32.Mydoom.O contains multiple search engine URLs and is using them to harvest additional domain email addresses. MyDoom.O searches user files (DOC TXT HTM and HTML) for domain names, then uses search engines (Lycos, AltaVista, Yahoo and Google) to search for "e-mail" and the harvested domain in order to gain access to other email addresses. There is a strong likelihood that web-based lists such as phone books, memberships, discussion boards and general user home pages will be harvested by the machine and in turn infect others. A search on Google using the same "e-mail" + domain method has generated a "Forbidden" message, which may indicate activity on the part of the search engines to thwart the virus. According to Message Labs, because MyDoom.O contains web site links and auto executes searches to specific and targeted sites, this virus is resulting in distributed Denial of Service attacks against Lycos, AltaVista, Yahoo and Google.

The URLs contained in MyDoom.O are:
http://search.lycos.com/default.asp?lpv=1&loc=searchhp&tab= web&query=%s
http://search.yahoo.com/search?p=%s&ei=UTF-8&fr=fp-tab-web-t&cop= mss&tab=
According to other intelligence now circulating, MyDoom.O can also harvest emails from any Outlook Windows active on the compromised machine. This will lead to additional propagation via SMTP even after a peak infection period

General Details
Name: W32/MyDoom.O-mm
Time & date first captured: July 26, 2004; 4:40 AM EST
Origin of first intercepted copy: UK
MyDoom.O is a mass-mailing worm with an SMTP engine that sends emails to addresses harvested from infected machines. The sender's From: email address is forged, and therefore does not indicate the true identity of the sender. MyDoom.O may also spoof from the mailer-daemon@ address, which is typically used to indicate a delivery failure, thus enhancing its social engineering trickery. The executable file is approximately 27,648 bytes in size. The virus is also packed with UPX v1.0x and stored in a ZIP attachment. NB: The virus is also being referred to as: MyDoom.M, I-Worm.Mydoom.M, I-Worm.Mydoom. R, and W32/Mydoom.L.

File Types
Email Characteristics
From: Spoofed email address (including mailer-daemon@, noreply@)
Subject: Random (see below)
Text: Various
Size: 27,648 bytes

Hi, delivery failed, Message could not be delivered, Mail System Error - Returned Mail, Delivery reports about your e-mail, Returned mail: see transcript for details, Returned mail: Data format error instruction, MAILER-DAEMON, "Mail Administrator", "Automatic Email Delivery Software", "Post Office", "The Post Office", "Bounced mail", "Returned mail", "Mail Delivery Subsystem" Message Labs is the leading provider of managed email security services to businesses worldwide.
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Google acknowledges MyDoom virus attack
New York, USA:
Google, the Internet search engine, was unable to provide search results to some web surfers on Monday, because of a variant of the MyDoom virus. Users of other popular search engines such as Yahoo and Lycos also experienced sluggish behavior. Google said its site experienced slowness for a short period of time early on Monday because of the MyDoom virus, which flooded major search engines with automated searches. The latest incarnation of the virus uses search engines on infected computers to look for more e-mail addresses in order to keep replicating itself.
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ACC-1001: Revolutionary ethernet accelerator
Los Angeles, USA:
Perfisans Holdings Inc. an emerging cutting-edge technology company focused on the growing gigabit Ethernet market, has announced that its 10/100/1000Mbps Ethernet Accelerator, the ACC-1001, has commenced production. The ACC-1001 is a sophisticated system-on-chip (SOC) device that uses innovative architectures to bring gigabit Ethernet speeds to the Windows 2000 and XP customer base. The Company's strategic plan targets the $1 billion small office/home office (SOHO) and entry-level enterprise markets, which mostly use the Windows operating system. The advanced features of the ACC-1001 will also deliver significant cost/performance benefits to both Internet Service Providers (ISPs), who can now offer their clients faster data throughput, and Network Interface Card (NIC) manufacturers, who can achieve reduced design cycles, lower costs and faster times to market.

The ACC-1001 is an affordable and cost-effective solution that frees up the host processor in order to significantly increase data throughput and is fully backward compatible with legacy 10/100 megabit Ethernet systems, thus avoiding additional equipment costs for ISPs. In much the same way an upgrade to a faster CPU increases the processing power of a computer, Perfisans' microchip increases the speed of the processing power of network and internet connections in existing and new equipment. Founded in 2001, Perfisans Holdings, Inc. is an emerging advanced ASIC design house focused on developing leading edge, cost-effective, system-on-chip (SOC) integrated circuits (IC) and delivering innovative solutions that address the performance needs of next generation network systems.
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