
India-Pak discussion on Siachen concludes today
New Delhi: Talks between India and Pakistan on the Siachen issue will conclude in New Delhi today. The meeting on this issue takes place after a gap of seven years. The deadlock to be resolved is over authentication of maps of the actual ground position line. New Delhi has been stressing that any de-militarisation of the glacier should recognise the demarcations of the existing actual ground positions. But Islamabad wants that pre-1972 position be recognised.

When the LoC in J&K was demarcated between the two countries under the 1972 Simla Agreement, it concluded at Point NJ9842 just head of the Kargil area. India's contention is that the line runs south from this point to the glaciers while Pakistan says the LoC runs north to the Karakoram Pass. Currently, Indian troops hold all vantage heights dominating the main glacier as well as minor ones in the region. The talks on the glacier will be followed by Indo-Pak parleys on the other contentious issue of Sir Creek in the Rann of Kutch.
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Plan panel sets up seven inter-ministerial task forces
New Delhi: The Planning Commission has set up seven inter-Ministerial task forces, following the directive of the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, to consider action needed for those areas of the National Common Minimum Programme where the agenda is cross-sectoral entailing intervention and inputs by a host of Ministries and departments. Accordingly, the Inter-Ministry Task Force on Redressing Growing Regional Imbalances would address issues of burgeoning regional imbalances both among States and within States through fiscal, administrative, investment and other means.

It would also give suggestions for correction of distortions in Plan allocations and the Union Government assistance and consider creation of backward States grant fund proposed in this year's budget to foster productive assets in the States. All the seven task groups would be chaired by the Secretary, Planning Commission, and would have representations from the Ministries/departments concerned at Secretary level. The group would be free to associate professionals, domain experts and would have interaction with the State Governments. The groups would submit their report within three months from the date of constitution.
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