
India's Main Battle Tank Arjun rolls out
Chennai: The indigenously designed and built, main battle tank (MBT) 'Arjun' rolled out of the Heavy Vehicle Factory at Avadi on Saturday. This marks a milestone in India's self-reliance in defence equipment, according to officials. The Defence Minister, Pranab Mukherjee, formally handed over five Arjuns to the Chief of Army Staff, Gen. N.C. Vij. Gen. Vij said that the five MBTs would now be put through their paces, and once cleared, the HVF at Avadi would get further orders.

The 58-tonne Arjun is clad in newly developed lightweight composite Kanchan armour, and its primary armament is a 120-mm rifled gun. The fire control systems are computer controlled and the tank is capable of operating at night too. It is also equipped with 7.62-mm machine gun and a 12.7-mm anti-aircraft machine gun. The army has placed orders for about 120 MBT Arjuns.
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LIC extends Rs.2, 000 crore loan to the REC
Mumbai: The Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has agreed to extend a loan of Rs.2, 000 crore to the Rural Electrification Corporation Ltd (REC). REC, which is a triple-A-rated company, has a massive programme of rural electrification, system improvement, capacity addition in power generation, and will utilise the loan for financing different power sector projects, said a press release. The company intends to disburse more than Rs.8, 000 crore during the fiscal 2004-05. It will also tap the capital market for priority sector bonds, for which there is a very encouraging response.
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Provident Fund trustees to decide on rate today
Kolkata: The Central Provident Fund Authority is willing to consider 8.5 per cent as the new rate for the current fiscal despite strong representation from certain quarters to hike the rate by a critical margin. The proposed rate is scheduled for consideration by the trustees at their meeting on Monday.
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PF body to appoint cosultant
Kolkata: The Central Provident Fund authority is set to appoint Mercer Consulting as its investment consultant. A formal agreement will be signed shortly, after which Mercer will be given about four months to submit its report to the board of trustees. Mercer will help in creating both short and long-term investment strategies for the PF organisation with a view to improve the performance of the fund. It will have to adhere to the overall investment framework that is now in place.
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ITES and software exports up to $9 billion in 2003-04
New Delhi: The export of computer software and services and IT Enabled Services (ITES) has registered a growth of 31.24 per cent in dollar terms in 2003-04, according to estimates by IT export promotion council, ESC. The export of computer software and services recorded a growth of 15.28 per cent (21.29 per cent in dollar terms) in 2003-04 compared to the previous year. In absolute terms, the export of computer software and services raked in Rs.41, 500 crore ($9,022 million) during the year.

The export of computer software and services for the year 2002-03 was about Rs.36, 000 crore ($7,438 million). ITES export went up by 57.14 per cent (65.34 per cent in dollar terms), compared to the previous year. Its performance in the overall IT export basket stood second only to computer hardware, which has registered a growth of 162 per cent. In value terms, ITES exports for 2003-04 stood at Rs.16,500 crore ($3,587 million), from Rs.10,500 crore ($2,169 million) in the previous year.
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