
Srinivasan Swamy takes charge as AAAI President

Chennai: Srinivasan K. Swamy, Chief Executive Officer of R. K. Swamy BBDO Advertising Pvt Ltd, has taken charge as President of the Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI) for 2004-05, according to a press release. He takes over from Sam Balsara, Chairman and Managing Director, Madison Communications.

Unanimously elected to the post, Swamy is the second AAAI President from the South, the first being his father, R. K. Swamy, who was in charge from 1982-84. Over the past three years, Srinivasan Swamy has been serving as the Chairman of the joint industry body of Indian Broadcasting Foundation and AAAI to oversee advertising-related aspects. He is also steering the establishment of Online Billing Reconciliation and Outstanding Review, a Web-enabled system for the joint industry body, the press release said.

Prem Mehta, Chairman and Managing Director, Lowe India, was elected Vice-President of AAAI. Members elected to the Executive Committee include Rajiv Agarwal of Bates, Nagesh Alai of Interface Communications, Preet K. S. Bedi of Rediffusion DY&R, Neville Gomes of Multimedia, Tapas Gupta of Confluence Communications, Kurien Mathews of Radeus, Vinod Nair of Network Advertising and Ramesh Narayan of Canco, the press release said.
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