
58th Independence Day: PM focuses on seven sectors
New Delhi: The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, outlined a seven-pronged growth plan for the economy and also promised to bring about reforms in the Government while addressing the nation on the occasion of the 58th Independence Day. The seven priority sectors identified for special attention are agriculture, water, education, healthcare, employment, urban renewal and infrastructure.

According to the PM, these were the pillars of the development bridge that needed to be crossed to ensure higher economic growth and more equitable social and economic development. He said that the Government would improve broadband access and enable the required investment in IT infrastructure. Speaking on the 'new deal for rural India', he said it will encompass investment in irrigation, credit deliver, availability of electricity, primary education, rural roads and modernisation of farm sector infrastructure.

The new deal for rural India includes new water policy, emphasis on increased credit and better access to farm credit. Dr Singh also said that key progress in major infrastructure sectors such as power, roads, Railways, ports and airports would be critical to development. The Prime Minister also said that his Government was committed to widening the space available for private enterprise and individual initiative in tune with economic reforms aimed at ending the stranglehold of bureaucracy.

However, he said that Governments could not be wished away specially, in developing countries such as India where it had important role to play. To deal with the two perennial but fundamental problems of drought and flood, he said that a concerted action was needed and urged all political leaders to take a 'national holistic view of the challenge of managing our water resources'. The Prime Minister reiterated his Government's commitment to increase public investment in irrigation and address the specific problem of each river basin in an environment-friendly manner.
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YSR launches health scheme for journalists
Hyderabad: The Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, Dr Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy, has launched a health insurance scheme for working journalists of Andhra Pradesh here on Sunday. This is considered the first of its kind insurance scheme in the country exclusively for journalists.

Addressing a gathering on the eve he promised to examine the possibility of introducing another insurance scheme for the poor in the State who were unable to meet the high cost of healthcare.

The Group mediclaim policy for working journalists was devised by the Information and Public Relations (I&PR) department in alliance with the United India Insurance Company Ltd. Dr Reddy said the insurance policy covers hospitalisation expenses arising out of accident, illness and disease. It covers room rent, nursing expenses, specialists and surgeons fees, diagnostic charges and the cost of medicines.

The policy was designed to cover a family size of one plus three with a sum insured, which could be availed by any one or all the four members. The scheme covers people in the age group of three months to 65 years. Expenses incurred prior to admission of up to 30 days (pre-hospitalisation) and after discharge up to 60 days (post hospitalisation) were also covered in the policy.

The Chief Minister said the total cost of the health insurance coverage for selected 2,500 journalists was Rs.47 lakh. Of this, the Government would contribute Rs.40 lakh, while the balance amount would be collected from the journalists.
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