
Chem Tech Foundation awards
Hyderabad: Dr Geeta Kashyap Vemuganti, Head of Ophthalmic Pathology Service & Stem Cell Laboratory, at the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, and Dr P. Reddanna Professor, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad (UoH), have been selected for the Chem Tech Foundation Awards, for their contribution in the area of biotechnology.

Dr Geeta has carried out pioneering work in the area of using stem cell techniques to restore vision in human patients who have impaired eyesight. She has developed the procedure for transplanting the cultured stem cells from patients' own healthy eye or from another person's eye (living or dead).

Dr Reddanna's outstanding contribution is in the field of research and effective academia-industry interaction. He has contributed in many research projects of the UoH with industry and other research institutes.

The Founder Chairman of Dr. Reddy's Laboratory, Dr K. Anji Reddy, is being inducted into the Pharma Hall of Fame by ChemTech, Mumbai, according to a press release.
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