
India-Iran gas pipeline project: International consortium company likely
New Delhi:
At the conclusion of the two-day first India-Iran Special Joint Working Group, the Iranian Deputy Petroleum Minister for International Affairs, M.H. Nejad Hosseinian, has said that the framework of the proposed pipeline outlining the roadmap for completion of the project is likely to be finalised by December end.

The framework will also indicate whether each country would go separately in the project or an international consortium company would be floated for the purpose.

Agreeing that the project cost had gone up by 20 per cent to 30 per cent from the initial estimates because of higher steel prices, Hosseinian, however, reiterated that the project was the cheapest and the best way for assuring energy supplies to India and Pakistan. Optimistic about meeting the time frame for commencement of the project, he said gas supplies to both India and Pakistan could commence within five years of signing of the pact between the three countries.

"The designing of the pipeline would take 12-18 months after the appointment of international consortium and construction will take another four years thereafter," he stated. The proposed pipeline is expected to have a capacity of 140-150 million cubic metres (mcm) of gas per day. This would be shared between India and Pakistan. While India has indicated it would buy 60 to 90 mcm per day, Pakistan is looking at buying 10-60 mcm per day, he added.

Meanwhile, India is planning to appoint a financial consultant for the project and will follow it up by appointing two separate legal and technical consultants, said Talmiz Ahmed, Additional Secretary for International Cooperation, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. He, however, clarified that the financial consultant will play the main role in framing the roadmap for the project. "GAIL (India) Ltd and Indian Oil Corporation will appoint legal and technical consultants to the project. Since our companies have the technical expertise, we may not need outside technical consultants," he added.

An Indian technical team would visit Tehran later this month to review the pre-feasibility report on the project, prepared by National Iranian Gas Export Co and BHP Billiton Plc. "The next meeting of the India-Iran joint working group will be held in Tehran in September," he added.

On the basis of the recommendations of the financial consultants, there would be a preliminary understanding on the preferred project structure by early November 2005. Once there was agreement on the project structure between the three countries, the trilateral framework agreement would be finalised by the end of this year, he said.
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Cabinet clears eight bills
New Delhi:
With the Cabinet clearing eight bills yesterday, Information and Broadcasting minister S. Jaipal Reddy has said that special efforts would be made to pass the modified Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Bill of 2005 in the current session itself.

''The modifications will eliminate the possibility of misusing the proposed law by relatives of the husband to further victimise and harass the wife or the woman living in a relationship like marriage,'' said a government statement.

The other bills approved by the Cabinet were:

  • Prevention and Control of Infectious and Contagious Diseases in Animals that would help establish ''Controlled'' and ''Eradicated'' areas, where livestock development would be done to encourage exports of livestock and livestock products, including frozen semen and embryos of Indian origin.
  • Food Safety & Standards Bill for an integrated food law that would eliminate a ''multiplicity'' of laws and regulators in the sector while ensuring safety and standards.
  • Amendment to Banking Companies (Acquisition & Transfer of Undertakings) Acts of 1970 and 1980, whereby the number of government directors in the state-run banks would be increased from two to four, while restricting the number of shareholders' directors to three. It also proposes to set up a financial restructuring authority for potentially weak banks and make changes to enhance the flexibility of the boards.
  • Amendment in the Indian Medical Council Act of 1956.
  • Amendment in Khadi and Village Industries Act of 1956.
  • Amendment to the Railways Act of 1989 to incorporate a Rail Land Development Authority that would check encroachments and put surplus railway land to proper use.
  • Amendment in the Hindu Succession Act of 2004 to ''correct the inheritance rights of women'' under the Mitakshra.

The Cabinet also approved the National Plan of Action for Children that sets goals on all indicators relating to survival, health, education, development and protection of kids.

It gave its nod to a pact with Nepal on mutual legal assistance in investigation, prosecution and suppression of crimes related to terrorism, as well as, offences concerning revenue and international transfer of currency, capital or payments.

India has similar agreements with the US, the UK, Canada, Russia, France and the UAE.

The Cabinet also gave ex-post facto approval to an accord on cooperation and mutual assistance in customs matters with China, whereby both will share information and intelligence.

It cleared the adoption and signing of the revised text of the Bangkok Agreement as the ''Asia Pacific Trade Agreement'' that seeks to promote cooperation through trade liberalisation.
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Rs.7,500 crore fund for setting up 25 textile parks
The textiles ministry has set up a Rs7,500-crore fund to build 25 textile and apparel parks in the country, which will be completed in two years.

Secretary in the textile ministry R Poornalingam, at an interactive meeting organised by the Bengal National Chamber of Commerce & Industry (BNCCI) said the Centre has initiated a number of promotional schemes to improve Indian textile products so that they can become more competitive and benefit from the withdrawal of the quota regime under the multi-fibre agreement.

Poornalingam added the average expenditure for each textile or apparel park on various subsidy accounts would be Rs300 crore, including Rs40 crore as grant for infrastructure development and interest, subsidies on purchase of machineries, raw materials, marketing and export initiatives etc.

The Infrastructure & Leasing Financial Services Ltd (ILFS), will act as a nodal agency to monitor the entire park project and also help individual entrepreneurs of the parks get bank loans and help increase exports, he said. Poornalingam added that the Jute Technological Mission, with an outlay of Rs134 crore, is supposed to start operations in 15-20 days.

Poornalingam said India's textile export target has been fixed 25% higher at $15 billion for 2005-06, as against US$13bn last year. He also said the government has set a target to increase textiles exports to $50 billion by 2007.
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ISMA and oil PSUs sign pact for sustained off take of ethanol
New Delhi:
The Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOC), on behalf of all State-owned oil marketing companies (OMCs), has signed an agreement with the Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA) for sustained off-take of ethanol for blending it with petrol.

"Under the MoU, we have agreed to buy 4,34,000 kilolitres (kl) of ethanol from ISMA at a rate of Rs19 a litre. Of the total quantity, initially 74,000 kl is being contracted for Uttar Pradesh," N.G. Kannan, Director Marketing of IOC, said.

Tenders are to be invited for ethanol supplies in Haryana and Punjab shortly.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, the Union Petroleum Minister, Mani Shankar Aiyar, said the assurance of supplies at competitive rates would ensure sustainability of the programme. With this, the Petroleum Ministry was hopeful of rolling out petrol-blended with five per cent ethanol, which is a green fuel used in several countries such as Brazil, Australia and the US.

India had introduced blended petrol using ethanol derived from sugarcane three years back. But due to erratic supplies and issues of pricing, the OMCs had gradually petered off the scheme of introducing ethanol-blended petrol across the country in phases.

Initially, under the programme supplying ethanol blended petrol is being revived in the nine sugarcane-producing states and four union territories including Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Goa, Uttranchal, Haryana and Punjab.

Under the new agreement ISMA members would have to commit a fixed amount of ethanol for blending with petrol.
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