
FM: Soaring Sensex not a 'bubble'
New Delhi: Finance minister P Chidambaram on Monday dismissed fears that a bubble was building up in the stock market and said the government and the market regulator, Sebi, were keeping a close watch.

"I do not accept these alarming predictions. Ours is one of the best-regulated markets. That does not mean there is no scope for improvement," the finance minister said in the Lok Sabha, responding in the zero hour to CPI member Gurudas Dasgupta. Dasgupta had expressed concern over the "super hyper volatility" of the Stock Exchange, Mumbai (BSE) and had accused the Sebi of not enforcing rules and also the government of sleeping over the matter.

Raising the issue in the house, the CPI member claimed that the "senseless Sensex has gone mad" as it has nothing to do with economic fundamentals or performance of the economy.

Demanding delivery based transactions, he said the government was deliberately not taking action as it was getting revenue of about Rs2,000 crore, and further that the govt. wanted to create a false illusion so as to attract more funds.
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With three new DPs, CDSL membership goes up to 283
Mumbai: The Central Depository Services Ltd has admitted three new depository participants, including the Development Credit Bank, a press release from CDSL has said.

The other PDs are Essar Stocks and Securities, based in Kolkata, and Anugrah Stock and Broking, based in Mumbai.

With this the number of DPs registered with CDSL has gone up to 283.

CDSL which has witnessed over 100 per cent growth in memberships in less than one year.
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BEML public issue slated for September this year
Mumbai: Bharat Earth Movers Ltd (BEML) has said that it intends to tap the capital market in September by way of part financing its proposed investment plans.

Company officials have said that the company needs to invest around Rs500 crore over the next 4-5 years, and a part of that would be met through the public issue, which is currently awaiting Government approval. The remaining funding would be met from internal accruals.

The issue involving 70 lakh shares will be of Rs400-500-crore. While ten per cent of the issue will be reserved for existing shareholders, another 10 per cent would be reserved for BEML employees.

As of now the Government has a 61.2 per cent stake in the company with financial institutions and the public owning the remaining 38.8 per cent. After the issue, Government stake will come down to 54-55 per cent on the expanded equity base.

At present the company's equity base is Rs36.87 crore.

A debt-free enterprise, BEML hopes to have a turnover of Rs2,200 crore in 2005-2006. It had a turnover of Rs1,862 crore with a profit after tax of Rs172.6 crore in 2004-2005.

Its vision is to touch a turnover of Rs5,000 crore by 2013-2014. While Rs2,500 crore of that turnover would come from mining and construction, Rs1,500 crore would come from the Railways, including the metro, and Rs1,000 crore from servicing the defence sector.

BEML deals in a variety of products in the earthmoving and mining areas, the railways and defence, with these three areas, accounting for all its revenues. BEML wants to both expand and diversify and its plans include equipment for metro railway operations, underground mining, contract mining, trading and engineering software and consulting.
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