
Bush: no protectionist measures against outsourcing
Hyderabad: The US President, Mr George W Bush, on Friday ruled out protectionist measures to address domestic concerns on outsourcing and favoured easy access for Indian students to American universities and schools. He said, "We will reject protectionism. We won't fear competition. We welcome competition," he said interacting with young entrepreneurs at the Indian School of Business, which has collaboration with Wharton School and Kellog School o f Management.
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AEC welcomes Indo-US deal
New Delhi: The Indo-American nuclear deal will not have any adverse impact either on the indigenous atomic research or the country's weapons programme, said Anil Kakodkar, chairman of Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).

Kakodkar's feelings on the deal announced yesterday is shared by almost the entire nuclear establishment including former AEC chairman P K Iyengar who had been worried about the possible adverse fallout on indigenous research and development in atomic energy.

Kakodkar, who was initially against the deal said he is quite happy with the final agreement, announced by US President George Bush and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.
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Inflation up at 4.34 per cent
New Delhi: Inflation was up at 4.34 per cent for the week ended February 18 from 4.02 per cent in the previous week, mainly due to surge in prices of iron ore, essential non-food, industrial fuel and manufactured items.
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Now a US consulate in Hyderabad
Hyderabad: United States has agreed to a long-standing demand for setting up a consulate in Hyderabad.

"The US and Indian government have agreed on the setting up of a US consulate in Hyderabad," chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy informed the press after the departure of US President George W Bush from the Acharya N G Ranga Agricultural University today.

He said the government had already received an official communication to this effect.

The state government will provide the Dilkusa guest house in the city to house the consulate till a permanent accommodation is ready in the city, the sources added.
More than 25 per cent of Indian software professionals present in the US are from Andhra Pradesh.
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Germany keen for increased business ties with India
Kolkata: Germany wants more business ties with India, said the German minister for economics, transport and employment Walter Hirche who is leading a 45-member delegation touring the country. He said the delegation would have close interaction with companies working in the areas of IT, engineering, automotive components, tourism, food-processing, logistics and education, law and management services.

During 2004-05, India's exports to Germany were Rs 1,188.03 crore, while imports from that country were Rs 1738.09 crore.
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US CEOs put off by red tape and poor infrastructure
New Delhi: American CEOs at a joint business forum between US and India said poor infrastructure and bureaucratic delays were major deterrents to US investments in India. The head honchos are making a pitch for further liberalisation in the financial and retail sector.

The business forum has identified six priority initiatives for cooperation to be taken up by both the governments, as well as the private sector, to boost investments. These include setting up of a $5 billion infrastructure development fund to make Mumbai a financial hub and facilitate setting up of large-scale SEZs.

The forum said the Indian government should further liberlise the financial sector as US companies were bullish on growth there. "India should reduce restrictions on foreign investment, especially in banking, insurance and retail."

The other initiatives targeted by the forum was facilitating enhanced movement of people between the two countries and stepping up of national coordination of IPR enforcement efforts in India.

Reforms of the Indian power sector and setting up of more institutes of higher learning with opportunities for joint research projects are other areas the forum identified for enhancing cooperation.

The forum also sought cooperation on government-to- government efforts on civilian nuclear energy and sought speedy enactment of pending legislation in the oil and gas sector.

Increased cooperation on human resource development as well as technology exchange between US and India were also among areas identified as priority initiatives by the forum.

The members of the forum from India include Bharat Forge chairman Baba Kalyani, Biocon chairperson Kiran Mazumdar Shaw, ITC chief Y C Deveshwar, Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani and Infosys CEO Nandan Nilekani.

From the US, the forum includes Citigroup chairman and CEO Charles O Prince, AES corporation president Paul Hanrahan, Pepsico chairman Steven Peinemund and Visa International president and CEO Christopher Rodrigues.
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FM invites more US investments; promises to hike FDI in insurance
New Delhi: The Indian government has invited US companies to increase investments in manufacturing and service sectors and assured the Government will look into demands to enhance the foreign investment caps in the country's insurance and banking sectors.

Finance Minister, P Chidambaram, said, "We have made our intentions clear to make India a manufacturing hub for small cars in textiles, leather and gems and jewellery and I invited the US side to take advantage of these opportunities," the told corporate honchos at the India-US CEOs forum here.

Chidambaram said he was aware of existing concerns in the financial services sectors such as insurance and banking but asserted that FDI limits were not entry barriers.

He said the 26 per cent cap in insurance is not an entry barrier. The Indian market is still hugely untapped with only 10 per cent of people in the insurance net. There are still many companies who are not present in India and as we go forward we can persuade the Parliament to amend the Insurance Act (for increasing the FDI cap), he said.

The Finance Minister said that the banking sector was in the first phase of opening up and provided a lot of opportunities and it would be further liberalised after 2009 when the second phase begins.
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US talks of defence cooperation
Washington: The United States has offered to sell India advanced fighter aircrafts like F-16s and F18s as the next step in the rapidly growing defence cooperation between the two countries.

"The United States is committed to providing state-of-the art fighter aircraft in response to India's requirements for a multi-role combat aircraft," the Pentagon said in a statement, as the two countries clinched a deal on civilian nuclear cooperation in Delhi.

Our proposal will also address India's interest in technology transfer and indigenous co-production.

The Pentagon said, "It is is our goal to help meet India's needs in the defence realm, and to provide important capabilities and technologies that India seeks. We are on a path to accomplish this."

The Pentagon has further maintained that the next step would be to turn the talk of prospective sales into reality and that Washington is committed to working with India on this issue.
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UK government offers easy money transfer facility for NRIs
London: The British government has started a project to educate and facilitate non-resident Indians to remit funds home at cheaper rates. The project also includes a Web site, Ranjan Mathai, deputy high commissioner, launched a leaflet in the House of Commons last night, which contains information on the choices of money transfer products and services available for Indians to send home money.

India received a staggering $22 billion through NRI remittances last year, more than any other country in the world, a World Bank report has said.

Both the Web site and leaflet give clear, objective information on UK banks and money transfer operators who offer services to India; their costs, exchange rates, speed of transfer and security.
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Draft pharma policy in two weeks
Mumbai: The government has completed the draft formulation of the National Drug Policy, and plans to release it within two weeks.

The government said it is dealing with the Part B of the policy involving cost control of life saving drugs. It said there are 74 such drugs and its formulations under cost control, which comprise 25 per cent of the market. The government is looking at two options for reforms, which are within the current cost regime or a different regime wherein the weighted average of the top three drugs would be considered for fixing the price.

On patented drugs, the department is looking at a price negotiation system to be carried out by an expert committee or the National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA).
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TDSAT directs BSNL to pay Rs5 crore to Idea
New Delhi: Telecom tribunal TDSAT has asked BSNL to refund Rs five crore to private operator Idea Cellular. The case pertains to a decade ago when Idea Cellular, then known as Tata Communications, sought lease of long distance telephone lines from BSNL for its service in Andhra Pradesh for a period of one year.

After expiry of the lease, Idea sought extension of the agreement for up to three months. The lease was again extended to a year after Idea made payments to BSNL. But the telecom PSU later raised a demand for a fee of Rs5.72 crore, saying the minimum period of hire should be three years and not one year.

TDSAT said that in case the minimum guarantee period of these circuits was three years, it goes without saying that while approving the same, the respondent should have mentioned this minimum guarantee period of three years in its approval and advice and demand notes.

It said it was not convinced by the respondent that the minimum guarantee period should have been three years. Secondly, the internal circulars quoted by the respondent do not become an authority for raising such demand it said.
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