
Microsoft to reshuffle Windows operations
San Francisco: Microsoft Corp has introduced a major reshuffle of its Windows operations just two days after it announced a delay in the launch of its Vista operating system. The management restructuring of Microsoft's flagship operating system is to boost its agility in the face of increasingly intense competition from online rivals Yahoo and Google which could benefit from the two-month delay of the long-awaited Vista, which will now be rolled out in January.
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China asks US to relax controls on exports and visas
Shanghai: China has asked the United States to relax restrictions on its high-tech exports and ease access to visas for Chinese citizens according to two senior senators.

American senator Charles Schumer said US was undecided as to whether it would bring to a vote a bill to impose import tariffs of 27.5 per cent on Chinese goods if Beijing refused to allow its currency to float more freely.

He said China should let its currency float and that financial mechanisms were in place to allow a more rapid appreciation.

US says that the Chinese currency is undervalued by between 15 and 40 per cent, undermining US manufacturers and fuelling China's large trade surplus with the United States.
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