
Slower growth to ease inflation pressures: Fed chairman
Washington: Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke while warning that the U.S. economy still faced inflation risks said slower growth would curb inflationary pressures over time.

His remarks are being seen as leading to a pause in a two-year credit-tightening campaign. Delivered the Fed's semiannual report on monetary policy Bernanke said the Fed faced both the risk of pushing rates too high and damaging the economy, and the danger of not doing enough to curb inflation.

Core consumer prices in June rose by a steep 0.3 per cent leading financial markets to expect an 18th straight increase in benchmark overnight rates at the Fed's next meeting on August 8. However, traders have rolled back those expectations on Bernanke's testimony. The trend of futures markets implied that investors were expecting about a 65 percent chance of a quarter-percentage point boost to borrowing costs next month. Bernanke's comments led to investors going on a stock buying spree. The blue chip Dow Jones industrial average ended the day up 212 points, its second-best day of the year. Bond prices also gained, while the dollar fell.
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Amnesty International charges US companies of net censorship
Beijing: Microsoft Corp, Google Inc and Yahoo Inc breached the Universal Declaration on Human Rights in colluding with China to censor the Internet, according to Amnesty International.

"The three publicly traded companies have, in one way or another, facilitated or concluded in the practice of censorship in China," London-based Amnesty said in a report. "All three companies have demonstrated a disregard for their own internally driven and proclaimed policies. They have made promises ... which they failed to uphold in the face of business opportunities and pressure from the Chinese government," Amnesty said.

Yahoo defended itself by saying its presence in China, even with the restrictions, could still help open up the country and added that it, too, was concerned by the issue.
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