
APEC pushes for resuming trade talks and fiscal reform
The meeting of finance ministers of the United States, China and other Pacific Rim economies in held Vietnam focussed on saving world trade talks and bolstering global financial systems against fiscal crises.

Ministers of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum are working on a statement to be issued at the end of the two-day conference on Friday that would push to revive World Trade Organization talks that got stalled in July in Doha after five years of stop-start negotiations.

APEC, which says it accounts for 47 percent of world trade and includes 2.6 billion people, believes it can influence the Doha round aimed at reducing trade barriers.
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Oil steadies, touches five month low
Oil remained steady after hitting a five-month low of less than $67 a barrel after U.S. fuel supplies rose and BP said it would restore supplies from the largest U.S. oilfield sooner than expected and may return to full capacity by end-October this year.

With U.S. fuel inventories rising OPEC, which meets on Monday, is also expected to keep up gas supplies leading to tensions easing over gas prices.
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