
Honda launches clean diesel engine
Honda Motor has developed a new and simple diesel powertrain that is as clean as a petroleum powered engine. The company plans to launch a car with the 'clean diesel engine in the US market by 2009.

Diesel engines now power half of Europe's new cars slowly becoming more popular with fuel-conscious consumers around the world since they give 30 pc better mileage than petroleum fuelled cars.
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Growth of home sales in US falls
The growth of home sales in the United States fell for a fifth month in August and prices dropped from existing levels a year-ago for the first time in 11 years, a U.S. realtors group said.

The National Association of Realtors said existing homes sales slipped to an annual rate of 6.30 million units from 6.33 million in July. On the flipside the 0.5 percent fall in volume sales was the least in the last five months of declines and not as steep as expected on Wall Street. The report said, however, that prices have also started to fall compared to the levels of last year, when many parts of the country saw home prices appreciate at double-digit annual rates.
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