
US economy seen slowing down
New York:
The US economy lost momentum last month September data showed. Analysts said it seemed unlikely that the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates again this year. On the contrary it may lower them next year to re-energise the economy. Fed chairman Ben Bernanke's comments about the housing sector also increased concerns about slowing growth.

Bernanke, in response to questions after a speech in Washington, said the housing market's "substantial correction" could shave about 1 percentage point off growth in the second half of this year.

Besides housing, growth of the US service sector slowed to its weakest pace in more than three years in September, while private-sector data revealed that companies were hiring at a steady though not spectacular rate last month. A report on factories showed orders were stagnant in August.

A study of 70 top CEOs released on Thursday found 45.6 pc of top CEOs forecast economic conditions to get worse over the next six months, while 41.2 pc believe conditions will improve.
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Nissan & Renault seen looking at Ford after GM disinterest
The Renault-Nissan car alliance is still interested in finding a North American partner after General Motors showed its disinterest. Now Ford Motor seems to be emerging as a candidate. Nissan spokesperson Mia Nielsen said the Renault-Nissan alliance could be extended to work with additional partners. She said that from a strategic perspective and under the right conditions a North American partner could make sense.

Nielsen however, said the seven-year-old Renault-Nissan alliance continued to be successful without the participation of a third alliance partner and that it was premature to comment further on any speculation on potential discussions with other auto makers.

Ford also had no comment on speculation that it could open talks with Renault-Nissan. Ford executive chairman Bill Ford Jr has acknowledged an earlier bid to hire Renault-Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn, who is highly regarded for his success in turning around Nissan.
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