
Subir Raha elected AIMA President
New Delhi:
Subir Raha has been elected president of the All India Management Association (AIMA) for 2006-07. He takes over from Sudhir Jalan.

Other elections included that of Kewal Handa, managing director, Pfizer, and Srinivasan K. Swamy, chief executive officer, RK Swamy BBDO, who were elected as senior vice-president and vice-president, respectively.
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Rajat Mehta resigns as CFO of JP Morgan's BPO arm
Rajat Mehta, CFO, JP Morgan Chase BPO, has resigned from his post after completing finishing three years in the company.

Sources said he may join a local investment bank in the Middle East, with assets worth $2bn where he would be a financial advisor.

Mehta has 20 years of experience in varied industries such as manufacturing, finance and auto and has worked with companies such as Citibank, GE Capital and Hero Honda. Prior to joining JPMC BPO, Mehta was with GE Capital for nine years.
JPMC BPO currently has call centre operations with 7,000 associates operating from here.
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