
US files complaints against China at WTO
The United States filed two new complaints against China at the World Trade Organisation over copyright policy and restrictions on the sale of American movies, music and books, trade officials said.

Earlier US Trade Representative Susan Schwab had said American companies were losing billions of dollars annually from piracy levels in China that "remain unacceptably high".

The Chinese commerce ministry meanwhile expressed "strong dissatisfaction" at the US action.

The US action will lead to a 60-day consultation period during which trade negotiators from both countries will try to resolve the two disputes. If that fails, the US can ask for the WTO to establish investigative panels.

One case says Beijing's lax enforcement of copyright and trademark protections violates WTO rules, Schwab said. The other argues Beijing has erected WTO-illegal barriers to the sale of US-produced movies, music and books.

The WTO's scope will focus on whether Beijing has taken sufficient action intellectual property theft.
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Apple sells 100 million iPods in five years
New York:
Apple Inc has sold 100 million iPods in over five years, and said the digital device was "the fastest selling music player in history" appealing to both young and old.

Since its launch in November 2001, Apple has introduced more than 10 new models to incorporate changing technology such as the ability to record and play videos, hold photos, and with more varied, fashionable colours.

iPod has also taken over from the Walkman, launched by Sony Corp. in 1979.
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