
Dairy industry for removal of exports of skimmed milk powder
New Delhi:
The domestic dairy industry is angry at the government for not lifting the ban on exports of skimmed milk powder (SMP). This is because prices of skimmed milk powder have hit the roof in overseas markets, denying them the opportunity to make extra profits.

Currently, SMP of Oceania origin is selling at $4,000-4,300 a tonne free-on-board, while Western Europe powder is quoting as high as $4,700-5,080.

Continuing widespread drought conditions in Australia and warmer than usual temperatures in Europe — coupled with the European Union's phased reduction of export subsidies — have pushed up world prices to four times their levels five years ago.

Domestic SMP prices are now ruling at Rs134-135 a kg, against the Rs160 plus that could potentially be realised from exports.

Although the 50,500 tonnes of powder exports in 2005-06 translated into only 0.56 million tonnes (mt) of milk — a fraction of the country's total output of 95 mt — its indirect impact on milk prices may not be that small.

With every Rs10 rise in SMP realisations, dairies can pass on an additional 60-70 paise per kg to farmers. The industry estimates that the loss of export business has cost milk producers a minimum of Re1 per kg. For the 50 mt of surplus milk that farmers sell, even a Re1 increase means some Rs5,000 crore.
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I-T dept wants additional tax of 61,412 crore
New Delhi:
The Income Tax (I-T) department has sent notices to large corporates, rich individuals and other assessees, demanding additional taxes of Rs61,412 crore.

IT officials said notices have been issued to assesses, which included major corporates and high net worth individuals.

Admitting differences in tax liability and tax submitted, the official said the assessees have already deposited as much as Rs19,306 crore, about one-third of what was demanded.

This has helped Finance Ministry meet the revised target of Rs2,29,007 crore direct tax collections for FY07.

Total direct tax collections, including personal income tax and corporate tax, reached Rs2,29,181 crore during the fiscal.
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