First delivery of 787 Dreamliner in Aug-Sept

27 May 2011

Boeing Co and launch customer All Nippon Airways (ANA) are working to ready the 787 Dreamliner for first delivery in August or September of this year. Towards this end, Boeing and ANA will fly a 787 to Japan in the first week of 4 July, the two companies said Thursday.

Tokyo, Narita-based ANA and Boeing will conduct test runs between airports in Japan, simulating commercial flights.

"ANA is eager to introduce the innovative 787 Dreamliner to Japan," said Shinichiro Ito, ANA's chief executive officer. "Giving our employees the opportunity to gain experience with the airplane will help ensure a smoother entry into service later this year."

ANA has 55 Dreamliners on order 787s on order. Boeing was originally supposed to deliver the first 787 to ANA three years ago this month. A series of delays have thrown airline plans to induct the aircraft and reconfigure the operations of their fleet around it completely out of gear.

The latest delivery target, announced Thursday, brings forward first delivery to August or September this year.

Boeing hopes to deliver up to 20 787 Dreamliners this year. It has 835 of these aircraft on order.