Air India to shift London-US flights to European hub

26 May 2008

Air India will stop connecting London with North America once it finalises its European hub. The connecting flights to US will shift to the new hub, which will also begin to  host new trans-Atlantic destinations.

The airline has been evaluating three cities - Munich, Vienna and Frankfurt – for its scissor hub in Europe.

According to executive director, passenger sales and marketing, PK Gupta, London will become a terminating flight, while Paris and Frankfurt may be merged to fly into the new hub. He also said that  the flag carrier will look at connecting Houston, San Francisco, Dallas, Boston and Washington DC  in the US, once the hub is formalised.

The carrier is currently examining the traffic patterns and viability of connecting these destinations.

Air India connects London to the John F. Kennedy airport in New York as well as O'Hare International airport in Chicago. It also flies to Newark through Paris.