Kharif paddy procurement in Punjab tops 6 million tonnes

30 Oct 2024

Food Corporation of India (FCI) and state agencies have so far procured 6.06 million tonnes of paddy in Punjab in the Kharif Marketing Season (KMS) 2024-2025.

As of 28 October, central government also disbursed a total of Rs12,200 crore directly to farmers’ bank accounts in Punjab, according to a release issued by the ministry of consumer affairs, food and public distribution.

Procurement agencies have made paddy purchases for a total of Rs14,066 crore, benefitting 3,51,906 farmers, says the release.

The KMS paddy procurement commenced on 1 October 2024, covering 2,927 designated mandis, including 1000 temporary yards, across Punjab.

The centre has targeted total paddy procurement of 18.5 million tonnes for Punjab for the ensuing KMS 2024-25.

MSP for the current crop is fixed at Rs2,320 per quintal for Grade ‘A’ paddy.

The release said 4,145 millers have applied for the contract for de-husking the paddy being procured and are now lifting the stock, ensuring a smooth KMS.