Occupy Wall Street demonstrators to highlight income disparities, corporate malfeasance

18 Nov 2011

Several hundred protesters from the Occupy Wall Street movement, yesterday marched from Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan toward the New York Stock Exchange as the movement across the US, prepared to mark the movement's two-month anniversary by intensifying protests.

The demonstrators said in a statement they wanted to "exchange stories instead of stocks" - stories highlighting income inequality and corporate malfeasance which they claimed were ruining the economy.

It came as the first of several events planned to mark the anniversary.
Events set to follow include speeches and talks with commuters at subway stations.

Meanwhile, two days back police dismantled the protesters' camp at the park. 

According to spokesman Bill Dobbs, the day was about taking the protestors' ideas to every block, every street, every subway.
Organisers said on the Occupy website they had no plans to disrupt subway service.

The plans for the day of action had been prepared ahead of the crackdown by the city and park owners on the encampment in Zuccotti Park.
However, it took on added importance to the protesters after tents, tarps and sleeping bags were cleared out on Tuesday and the granite plaza was cleaned up for the first time since the group arrived over two months ago.