Tehelka names 15 Indian secret accounts in Lichetenstein

04 Feb 2011

The Tehelka news magazine today released a list of 15, including 12 individuals and 3 foundations, which it claimed to be among those allegedly holding secret accounts in the LGT Bank in the tax haven Lichetenstein.

Tehelka said the names figure in the list handed over by the German government to the Indian government in March 2009.

He government, however, is withholding the names from the public claiming that the names could not be disclosed because of the confidentiality clause attached by the German government.

Tehelka said it is in contact with these persons and foundations and it would wait for their response before publishing their names.

The magazine said it has obtained the names of 16 in the list of 18 that the German government had passed on to the Indian government two years ago. Tehelka, however, did not publish one name in the list.

Tehelka said the name of the chairman of a major Indian corporation was on the list but it decided to hold back the name because it was awaiting "his full version".