CAS: Reprieve for channels

By Our Economy Bureau | 11 Jun 2003

New Delhi: The Indian government has given TV broadcasters some more time to spell out their pricing strategy after the introduction of the conditional access system (CAS).

At a meeting on Tuesday between the officials of the information and broadcasting (I&B) ministry and broadcasters, the latter had sought more time to finalise their pricing.

Earlier the government had written to the broadcasters asking them to specify which channels would remain free-to-air and which would go pay and also announce their prices. It had also said that the cable operators would have to declare which channels would go pay and which would remain free-to-air and also the rates of pay channels and discounts by 15 June 2003.

Pawan Chopra, secretary, I&B ministry, said: "The broadcasters have promised to come back with the rates as early as possible. We are just trying to play the role of a facilitator."

I&B officials, however, said the broadcasters could not postpone their announcement to 14 July, the deadline for implementation of CAS.