French government to hold talks with meat industry over horsemeat scandal

11 Feb 2013

French consumer, agriculture and food ministers would hold crisis talks with key players in the meat industry with the horsemeat scandal widening.

Beef meals made by Findus and Comigel have been withdrawn by six French supermarket chains.  The move comes after foods sold in Europe and the UK labelled as beef were found to contain horsemeat.

The scandal has seen questions raised over the complexity of the supply chains of the food industry  across the EU and the impact is being seen on distributors in the UK, France, Sweden, Ireland and Romania.

According to food minister Guillaume Garot, he wanted to ensure the removal of all contentious products.

Investigations are ongoing in Romania over claims one of its abattoirs was responsible.

In the UK, environment secretary Owen Paterson who would update MPs on the latest developments in the scandal, had already said a moratorium on EU meat imports, which had been called for, was not allowed under EU rules.