Maran inaugurates Benguluru's Dodballapur integrated textile park

03 Jul 2010

The Dodballapur Integrated Textile Park at Benguluru will serve as a benchmark for other textile parks and serve as a model for the power loom sector, textile minister Dayanidhi Maran said while inaugurating the park today.

He said the establishment of modern weaving units in this park would serve as a model for power loom sector entrepreneurs in Doddaballapur cluster in particular and in Karnataka in general.

The park, set up in an area of 48 acres, at a cost of Rs85 crore, is expected to attract investments to the tune of Rs200 crore and annually produce textile products worth Rest. 350 crore, and provide employment to 4,000 people, the minister said.

Seven units out of envisaged 84 units of weaving, sizing and warping are operational as of now. With the revcovery of the economy and improvement in the investment climate, Maran expected more units to become operational.

The Government of India came out with the scheme for integrated textile park (SITP) to supplement the efforts of the industry by providing state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities in textile growth centres. Forty parks have been sanctioned throughout the country and Dodballapur is one such park.

Currently, 21 out of the 40 parks are operational and it is expected that the remaining parks will also commence production shortly. On completion, all these parks are expected to have an investment of Rs20,000 crore and provide employment to 5 lakh people.