Spitz launches Power Horse

By Jays Jacob | 17 Jul 2003

Kochi: Power Horse, a popular energy drink world over, produced exclusively at Power Horse Austria Plant, a subsidiary of Spitz KG Austria, was launched here.

Spitz KG is Austria's third-largest company with an annual turnover of $3 billion. Power Horse energy drink director Wolfgang Pichler and its CEO (Middle East) Franz J Krispel say Power Horse is a healthy energy drink that could stimulate physical and mental performances.

In order to safeguard its uniqueness the company is maintaining only one production unit, they say, adding that the product is available in cans and bottles. The energy drink is neither a soft drink nor a thirst aid.

It is a value-added drink due to its exceptional composition, which provides extra energy during times of increased physical and manual mental stress, says Krispel. "Among the main ingredients the energy drink has taurine, glucuronolactone, caffeine, niacin, inositol and vitamins."

Krispel says the marketing strategy of the company is to make the product available all over South India by September this year and to make it available all over the country by December 2003. The first year projection is 8 lakh cans with a turnover of Rs 2.5 crore.

The company plans to invest Rs 2 crore for marketing in India for the first year, he says. Along with the launch of the product, the company also launched Power Horse Spell Bee Competition, an all-India spelling and vocabulary competition for children up to the 12th standard with prize money and shield for the winners from the school level to all-India winners.