Study finds continuous exposure to electromagnetic radiation from cellphones affects brain function

26 Dec 2017

A study on cockroaches has found that continuous exposure to electromagnetic radiation from cellphones can affect the functioning of brain, neurons, developing cells and enzyme systems.

The study conducted by researchers from the Department of Zoology, University College, Thiruvananthapuram, showed that radiation from mobile phones can increase the levels of neurotransmitters in cockroaches. The transmitters  are also present in humans. The scientific journal Current Science has published the study.

''The present study clearly explained the physiological and biochemical basis of the adverse effects of EMR (electromagnetic radiation) and is a warning for judicious use of mobile phones,'' the study concluded.

Exposure of adult male cockroaches to electromagnetic radiation caused sharp changes in the enzymes systems of fat body and haematological profile.

In the study, around 15 healthy male cockroaches were placed in two separate plastic containers of equal size.

The containers were then exposed to radiation for one, three and six hours from a full call (approximately one minute) per five minutes to a mobile phone.

''There was sharp decline in the protein content of fat body and content of acetylcholine in the central nervous system showed a sharp increase. Organisms were found to be inert and lethargic after the third hour of EMR treatment,'' said the study.

Excessive use of cell phone carries the risk of chronic exposure to low levels of radio frequency and microwave radiation.

The researchers pointed out how in the early part of the study, the cockroaches underwent drastic changes in the metabolism of protein, characterised by depletion of fat body protein, accompanied by a sharp increase of total free amino acids.

In 2015, a parliamentary panel expressed concern over the increasing numbers of mobile phone towers across Indian cities and their effects of electromagnetic radiations. The committee also asked department of telecommunications to frame suitable regulations and guidelines on the location and inspection of the towers.