Tamil Nadu emerges top Indian state in wind energy production

23 Nov 2009

Tamil Nadu has emerged the leading state in wind power development in the country with a, installed generating capacity of 4,563 MW as of October 2009, minister for new and renewable energy Farooq Abdullah informed the Rajya Sabha in a written reply today.

He said the government has been promoting commercial grid connected wind power projects through private sector investment in wind potential states, including Tamil Nadu by providing financial incentives, loan from Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) and other financial institutions.

The government, through the Centre for Wind Energy Technology (C-WET), Chennai, is also providing technical support, including detailed wind resource assessment, to identify further potential sites, the minister said.

The minister said the government has also embarked upon an ambitious Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission - `Solar India,' which aims at producing 20,000 MW of solar power by the year 2022.

"I am happy to announce that the government has approved a new policy on development of solar energy in the country by launching of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission.  This is a historic and transformational initiative of the UPA government and I am proud to have the privilege of being assigned the task of overseeing its implementation. The Solar Mission is very much in line with the vision of modern India of Pandit Nehru, which has made India today, a leading nuclear and space power," he said.

This Mission is one of the eight key national missions that together form India's National Action Plan on Climate Change that aims at contributing to India's long-term energy security while ensuring ecological security.