US government to get tough with web hackers

18 Jun 2011

White House has sought stiffer punishment for breaking into computers and web sites of the government and its agencies even as hackers groups like Anonymous and Lulzsec continued their orgy of hacks, breaking into government and business web sites.

The menace of hacking has assumed alarming proportions after the hackers brought down the official web site of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), prompting the Obama administration to look for harsher ways of checking it.

The US government has been asking for stiffer sentences for breach of internet security much before the hackers group broke into the public web sites of the CIA and the Senate.

Meanwhile, hackers broke into the web site of video game developer Sega, as they continued their cyber attacks.

In an email to users of Sega Pass system, the company on Friday said the hackers have stolen email addresses, dates of birth and encrypted passwords of users, but have not taken out financial information.

The company said its online system has been taken offline and all users' passwords have been reset. It did not say how many users were affected.