Arthur D. Little to research new economics of innovation

14 May 2008

Arthur D. Little (ADL) and Case Western Reserve University's Weatherhead School of Management will undertake a new study, The New Economics of Innovation - An Exploration of Value Creation in the Global Innovation Economy. This study is aimed at explaining how leading companies are deriving new value from their innovation investments by leveraging the global shifts in knowledge, talent and capital.

This investigation is motivated in part because recent shifts in the global environment have dramatically changed the rules of the innovation game, creating new opportunities and threats. The old models of go-it-alone innovation are being replaced by new models of domestic and international business collaborations.

The emerging economies of the BRIC countries, along with more mature economies like Singapore and Finland, are making massive investments to become global leaders in innovation. Progressive companies have developed entirely new approaches in which to effectively execute their innovation activities by leveraging knowledge, capital and talent resources on a global basis.

"We see innovation as a revenue growth driver and strategic differentiator for today's companies," says Michael Devlin, associate dean of executive education at the Weatherhead School of Management. "Our executive community will not only benefit by the study's findings but also discover new areas of growth that leverage these trends and maximise value creation."

Gregg Bauer of Arthur D Little's technology and innovation management practice, says, "Our clients are keenly interested in better understanding how to capitalize on the global trends to improve their innovation activities and accelerate value creation in their businesses. This study will provide the sponsors with a clear understanding of the innovative environment on a global basis, the actions that companies need to initiate if they wish to succeed globally, and how to effectively leverage knowledge, talent pools and capital to drive success globally throughout the company."

This study will be funded on a subscription basis. Sponsoring companies will have an opportunity to help direct the study and receive regular interactions with Arthur D. Little's and Weatherhead's team of experts. In addition to receiving copies of all published materials that result from the study, the sponsors will also receive a customized management workshop that focuses on the study's findings and ways in which to implement.