Seminar on customer value creation
By Our Corporate Bureau | 18 Aug 2004
Mumbai: Market Probe, Milwaukee-(Wisconsin) based marketing research agency specialising in analytical techniques is hosting a seminar on customer and value creation, VALZ 2004, to be held at the Taj President, Mumbai, on August 19, 2004.
speakers include: Rama Bijapurkar (marketing consultant)
will talk on 'The value advantage'; Dr T R Rao, (Market
Probe, USA) on 'Changing paradigms in customer satisfaction
and loyalty'; Prof. Arindam Banerjee, (IIM-A) on 'Customer
data, business intelligence and value enhancement' and;
Dr. Kurt Plughoeft, (Market Probe, USA) on 'Using technology
to increase the value of customer feedback'.
Market Probe specialises in analytical techniques for computing customer satisfaction, loyalty measurement and modeling, brand health, and employee equity measurement. The firm, which has offices in 8 countries, set up its India operations in 1999.