‘Indian online advertising will grow tenfold by 2012’
19 Sep 2009
What does online video advertising offer clients that other media doesn't?
Businesses tend to advertise for two reasons - brand building and lead generation, and often a mixture of both, in each campaign. It is difficult to generate leads through television advertising. With online video advertising, response rate/CTR (click through rate) is a way of measuring the success of a campaign.
Multi-national corporations have experimented with video ads, found them reaching their target audiences and now they are convinced video advertising must be on the media plan.
Which category of products is most likely to advertise on online videos?
Mostly consumer goods like cellphones and retail products. The conusmer would like to see the product before buying, and an online video is the best bet.
Especially in the case of automobiles, an online video is next to seeing the car itself. Auto brands are our major clients as it allows customers to see the vehicle. Financial services too prefer online videos, but at the moment these ads haven't been coming in.
How does Jivox make its advertisements creative?
The very fact that emotions can be shown in a video makes it creative, and we have our expert staff to help clients.
The internet is being accessed on mobile phones. Does Jivox offer this value addition?
We are working on providing this technology but have found that this is a small market, since one needs a high-end phone to access the internet and its applications. This kind of phone is very expensive that not all can afford it.